Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rupert Murdoch Attacked At Parliament, Wendi Deng Fights Back

Rupert Murdoch was attacked at Parliament while presenting the case for the News Of The World, phone hacking scandal. Ruperts wife Wendi Deng and James Murdoch were on hand to fight back. Get all the scoop from Images by Video hosted by Diana Madison / Twitter:

Wendi Deng Murdoch Smacks Pie-Throwing Protester Who Targeted Rupert Murdoch at Phone-Hacking

Wendi Deng Murdoch, the third wife of media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, is trending after she leapt to her husband's defense—literally—during his testimony before the British Parliament. As the chairman of the News Corporation was answering questions about the phone-hacking scandal that is rocking his media empire, a protester burst into the hearing room and tried to "pie" him. Mrs. Murdoch, a former volleyball player, sprung into action, slapping the assailant as he lunged at his target. No one was injured. The pie thrower was arrested and the hearing resumed about 10 minutes later once order was restored.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011



我叫胡斌,来自兰州市。曾经是一个不好好学习、爱玩游戏、整天打打杀杀甚至打骂父母危险分 子。由于从小家庭不和睦,父母经常吵架、打架,我从小就不听话。上四年级的时候,我曾经在学校要跳楼,折腾得整个学校不得安宁。我在上课的时候,老师希望 我在最后,只要不影响其他人,睡觉都行。我打架抽烟喝酒,逃课旷课欺负老师。哪个学校都不要我,升级的时候,班主任也不要我。 我妈没办法,只好让我回姥姥家上学。去姥姥家还是不好好上,又被开除。我爸爸又愿意给我最后一次机会,让我去爷爷家,爷爷家还是不好好上,又开除。基本上一个学期一个学校­,总共被13所学校开除。

我 不上学的时候,刚刚15岁。我当时高兴死了,我妈妈说你不上学了也有时间把字练一练。我说,我好不容易不上学了,你再也别让我学习了。我多么不容易呀!我 这么捣蛋,我就是为了不上学。我妈妈看说什么也没用,让我去吃苦。叫我去卖报纸,公交车卖票。我肯定是受不了,钱不够,我就接触社会上的人。我从小也是在 这种环境长大的。我家里很多长辈就是社会上的人,而且在我们当地,名气特别大。我们出去坐车,吃、喝、玩不给钱,也没人敢要。我整天就是吃喝玩乐,晚上就 是和朋友结伙去打架。去砍,去群殴。 在我上私立学校的时候,看周润发的电影对我的影响也挺大的。宿舍里就给我们放《古惑仔》,我 们都爱看,觉得就应该这样学,这样多潇洒,整天打架多厉害。把打骂父母欺负老师当成时尚,当作光荣。你敢打你爸爸妈妈吗?你敢欺负老师吗?但是我现在发自 内心地向我爸爸妈妈,还有13所学校的老师校长认错,我在这里给这些我对不起的人鞠一躬。对不起,我错了。....详细内容请查阅

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Power of Words

This short film illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world. At Purplefeather we provide powerful, optimised web content to get you noticed online. Homage to Historia de un letrero, The Story of a Sign by Alonso Alvarez Barreda Music by: Giles Lamb Filmed by Director Seth Gardner.
Cast: Bill Thompson, Beth Miller

It's a powerful message, but I have mixed feelings about an advertising company using the fate of blind people to promote their own business.

Yes this clip can do a lot of good and make you feel more connected with those poor people, but it is also a standard marketing strategy to create strong emotional triggers and then link them to a product.

Not saying this clip is bad, just undecided what to think of it.

Blogger: I see the power of words. Just change the words, the effect is so much different.

Friday, April 15, 2011


2011/04/15 6:13:41 PM

《马来西亚前锋报》 专栏作者阿旺士拉末在评论中祝贺警方,因为警方已鉴定疑似反对党领袖性短片中涉及者的身分。






Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Review for Limitless by KC Goh

Limitless is a 2011 American techno-thriller film directed by Neil Burger and starring Bradley Cooper, Abbie Cornish, and Robert De Niro. It is based on the 2001 novel The Dark Fields by Alan Glynn with the screenplay by Leslie Dixon. The film was released in the United States and Canada on March 18, 2011. It was released in the United Kingdom on March 23, 2011.

Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper) is a writer who lives in New York City and has recently been dumped by his girlfriend Lindy (Abbie Cornish) in addition to failing to meet the deadline to turn in his new book, which he hasn't written yet. One day, Eddie comes across Vernon Gant (Johnny Whitworth), the brother of his ex-wife Melissa Gant (Anna Friel). Vernon is a drug dealer who offers Eddie a sample of a new drug, NZT-48. Eddie accepts, and, much to his surprise, the drug increases his intelligence and improves his focus.
Eddie asks Vernon for more of the drug, and Vernon agrees. When Eddie goes to Vernon's apartment, he finds Vernon dead. Eddie finds a stash of NZT hidden in the oven alongside a book with several names and some money, which he takes for his own personal gain. With Vernon's money and the NZT, Eddie creates a new image for himself and abandons writing to enter the stock market. He becomes rich at an incredibly fast pace and is soon employed by the powerful businessman Carl Van Loon (Robert DeNiro). Eddie also gets back together with Lindy. Meanwhile, he feels that he is being followed by a man in a tan coat (Tomas Arana). Soon, the side-effects of NZT appear.
Eddie fails to accomplish a task assigned to him by Carl because of the lack of NZT and fears he might have killed a woman. He learns that withdrawal from the drug causes death or a serious damage of the mental faculties. Eddie is warned to reduce the dosages until he can stop, before it's too late.
Eddie tries to do so, but, with the lack of it, he starts to feel ill. Eddie pays a chemist to produce more NZT and, in the meantime, tries to recover his stolen stash.
A year later, Eddie has had his book published (the book's title, Illuminating the Dark Fields, linking to the novel that inspired the film) and is running for United States Senate and is further considered to be a potential candidate for the United States Presidency. In the midst of his Senate campaign, Carl approaches Eddie and informs him that he has purchased the pharmaceutical company that created NZT and forced the closure of Eddie's lab. Carl offers Eddie an unlimited supply of NZT; however, Eddie must approve Carl's agenda in return. Eddie refuses the offer, informing Carl that he no longer takes NZT and has in fact experimented with and created a better version of NZT that lacks its side effects and works even better. As they are talking outside of Eddie's campaign office, Carl expresses his doubt regarding Eddie's new and improved NZT analogue. To prove it, Eddie points to a van up the street and tells him it will crash into the taxi cab stopped further up the street, even predicting the exact timing of the event. Carl turns around to watch the driver of the van, who is distracted with his cell phone, driving too fast and not looking up in time, resulting in him crashing into the cab. This appears to be enough evidence for Carl and he gets into his vehicle to depart from the scene.
• Bradley Cooper as Eddie Morra
• Robert De Niro as Carl Van Loon
• Abbie Cornish as Lindy
• Anna Friel as Melissa Gant
• Johnny Whitworth as Vernon Gant
• Robert John Burke as Don Pierce
• Tomas Arana as Man in Tan Coat
• T.V. Carpio as Valerie
• Patricia Kalember as Mrs. Atwood
• Andrew Howard as Gennady
Scientific accuracy
Physics professor James Kakalios said it was plausible that medical science could improve intelligence, but that neurochemistry was not advanced enough for it to be possible currently. Kakalios also said the notion used in the film that human beings can only access 24% of their brains (though the film never explicitly states that this is the case, with one character only once saying "you know they say we can only access 24% of our brain?") is a myth; 100% of it is used at different times. Moreover, if 100% of the brain's neurons were to fire simultaneously, all of the available oxygen would be consumed and the individual would most likely die or suffer severe neurological trauma. Kakalios said if such a pill existed, a person running out of the supply could actually experience a rebound effect, and "might become really stupid".[9]
This blogger’s reviews
Limitless is entertaining. If we could just take a pill and become son intelligence, we like to do it if there is no side effect.
In the market, there are people who can predict the future and these people can go into your past lives and see what you have done and try to correct it so that fate in the future which is now the present times could improve. This kind of courses can sell like a hot cake.
The 10% of brain myth is the widely-perpetuated myth that most or all humans only make use of 10 percent of their brains. It has been misattributed to people including Albert Einstein.[1] By association, it is suggested that a person may harness this unused potential and increase intelligence.
Though factors of intelligence can increase with training, the idea that large parts of the brain remain unused is without foundation. Although many mysteries regarding brain function remain, every part of the brain has a known function. Therefore, when we said that we only use 10 % or 24 % of the brain, it is actually not true.
The fact that if we can think with clarity and be able to learn things in a short span of time, we can become successful and we can be very rich. The improved intelligence could just change the perception of people towards you.
If we don’t have the pill, what should we do. We should read more and trying to improve our intelligence by using the available techniques as of today. We should do meditation and try to acquire the psychic powers so that we can make better decisions. Of couse, there is currently no scientifically verified body of evidence supporting the existence of such powers.
You will love this movie, it opens up a lot of imagination and possibilities. Of course, there is always a difference between reality and myth. Take a pill or you just have to work for it.

This preview is presented by GSC and is coordinated and arranged by

“改编自2002年Alan Glynn的同名小说,讲述一名屡屡被退稿的潦倒小说家(Bradley Cooper)在服用了神奇小药丸后命运有了180度大转变,这枚高机密的聪明小药丸可以开发大脑100%的潜能,使他成为超级版的自己,然而这项超能力很快的就吸引了黑道的关注,并进一步威胁他的生命。”
日期: 12 April 2011
地点: GSC Mid Valley
时间: 9pm

Monday, April 11, 2011

Limitless Trailer 2011 HD


I will be watching the preview tonight and will inform you of the story. I watch the trailer, kind of like the movie.

Thursday, April 7, 2011



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有几个企业家没在学校呆过? //@HXbin:何必呢

@董藩:当你40岁时,没有4千万身价不要来见我,也别说是我学生——这是我对研究生的要求。培养其财富意识是我工作内容之一,当然前提是合理合法致富。自己富了意味着创造了很多GDP、税收、就业岗位,社会贡献大,也帮助了低收入者,并避免自己、家属及亲属成为社会负担。对高学历者来说,贫穷意味着耻辱和失败 原文转发(21015)|原文评论(8552)

董藩,男,1967年生,2003年于中国人民大学获经济学博士学位。现任北京师范大学管理学院教授、北京师范大学房地产研究中心主任,土地资源管理、政府经济管理两个专业博士生导师(招生方向:土地经济与管理、房地产业发展与城市建设、国民经济管理),兼任民革中央委员、中国城市经济学会理事等社会和学术职务。研究方向为房地产(土地)经济与管理、国民经济管理、区域经济管理、政治经济学。26岁硕士毕业后直接破格晋升为副教授,成为当时全国社会科学领域最年轻的副教授。32岁时晋升教授。提出了构建“缘西边境国际经济合作带”、实施“双向经济环流战略”两个国家经济发展战略主张和“工业化进程规律”等多种(个)具有一定创新意义的理论观点和范畴,有一些成果被转载、引用或评论。主持国家社科基金和省部级课题5项,主编国家“十五”重点图书等4套丛书,出版著作近10部,在国际会议和《经济研究》等海内外报刊发表文章300余篇,70次获国家、省(部)、市级奖励。提出了创建投资法学、租赁经济学的设想。成果60余次在内参刊出,17次直报江泽民、朱鎔基、胡锦涛等国家主要领导人,50次受到温家宝、李岚清、曾培炎、周永康、乌云其木格等国家、省部级领导重视、批示,影响到国家和地方发展(如关于中国西部范围与西部开发范围的确定[即 10+2方案]、在西部不宜再设立特区、利用发行彩票方式帮助国家教育事业和社会保障事业筹资、允许外商承包和承租国有企业、建立闲置设备市场等建议均被直接采纳),是国内实施购房按揭贷款、建立二板市场等发展主张的最早提出者和积极推动者。在学生时代,由其引发和推动的学生科研活动曾引起全国关注,《光明日报》、中央电视台等众多媒介曾报道过,并称之为“董藩现象”。近20次荣获“民革全国参政议政先进个人”、“辽宁省十大青年科技先锋”、“辽宁省高校十佳教师”、“辽宁省十大优秀青年”等荣誉称号。作为优秀学生代表,其业绩资料被博士阶段就读学校中国人民大学展出供江泽民、李岚清、贾庆林等领导视察时参观和用于建校65年光辉历史与杰出贡献的展览与宣传;被本科和硕士研究生就读学校东北财经大学用于建校40年、45年、50年光辉历史与杰出贡献的展览与宣传。26岁起连续担任中共大连市委市政府咨询专家。个人业绩和学术观点被美国之音、美国之音电视台、美国《世界日报》、新加坡《联合早报》、新华社、中央人民广播电台、《光明日报》、《中国青年报》等媒体报道。在大连市建市百年庆祝之际,经各界推荐、中共大连市委市政府批准,其足迹被铸于大连市建市百年纪念城雕上。2001年与彭丽媛、启功、袁隆平、吴敬琏等百位著名人士一起入选国家大型人物丛书《使命》首卷。2003年12月4日在国务院新闻办主办的中外新闻发布会上,作为唯一代表受到中央统战部的公开表扬。


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sex video: Statements recorded from Anwar, 34 others

Published: Wednesday April 6, 2011 MYT 2:48:00 PM
Updated: Wednesday April 6, 2011 MYT 3:14:12 PM
Sex video: Statements recorded from Anwar, 34 others

KUALA LUMPUR: Police have recorded statements from Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and 34 others to facilitate the probe into the sex video featuring a man purportedly resembling the opposition leader.

Besides Anwar, others who have been questioned include former Malacca chief minister Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik, businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Perkasa treasurer Datuk Shuaib Lazim, or collectively known as 'Datuk T', who have admitted that they were behind the screening of the video to the media on March 21.

Deputy CID chief Datuk Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said several staff of Carcosa Seri Negara, where the video was shown, have also been questioned.

He added that the statement taken from Anwar was sufficient.

"If there are parts of his statement which are incomplete, we will recall him," he told reporters here Wednesday.

He said police would record the statements of two or three more individuals.

The investigation, he added, was now about 95% complete and a report would be handed over to the Attorney-General's Chambers soon.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar confirmed recently that the video was not doctored.

The investigation was launched following a report lodged by Anwar on March 22 denying that he was the man in the video. - Bernama

Related Stories:
Teaser video clip goes viral
Media goes to town with sex video stills
PKR Youth files report with MCMC
Police not to blame for leaking of video clip, says IGP
It's not Anwar, says Wan Azizah
Sex video on YouTube removed due to violation of rules'
Identify person who uploaded sex clip, cops urged

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wan Azizah: Man in video is not Anwar

Published: Tuesday April 5, 2011 MYT 11:29:00 AM
Updated: Tuesday April 5, 2011 MYT 7:10:35 PM
Wan Azizah: Man in video is not Anwar

KUALA LUMPUR: PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has insisted that the man in the sex video is not her husband Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Speaking at a press conference at her home in Segambut Dalam, she said she had watched the short video clip posted on Youtube on Monday with her family.

“It is not him. It is clear that the body and physique of the actor' in the video is extremely different from that of Anwar.

“This is strengthened by the fact that for over a year now he has been accompanied by his children whenever he exercises and undergoes physiotherapy as part of the recuperative measures for his injured spine,” she told a packed press conference.

At the press conference, Dr Wan Azizah, her daughter Nurul Izzah and DAP national chairman Karpal Singh also condemned the lack of action against the Datuk T trio and called for them to be arrested immediately.

Later during a launch of a safe city monitoring system here, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said the identity of the culprit who leaked out the sex video on YouTube was not known.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar who was at the same event denied that the video was leaked out by the police.

In SIBU on Monday night, Anwar said the sex video may have caused PKR a few bruises ahead of the Sarawak state elections, but he would not be distracted by the allegations.

Admitting that he has declined to comment on the video clip during his visits to the state, Anwar said that others have misconceived his lack of response as being defensive.

“I want to give my full concentration to the issues in Sarawak.

“I will fight them (the perpetrators of the sex video clip) on any grounds. But do you expect me to trust the system?,” Anwar asked during a talk in Kampung Baru.

More on the sex video in The Star on Wednesday

Related Stories:
MPs divided over sex video screening suggestion
Identify person who uploaded sex clip, cops urged
Sex video on YouTube removed due to violation of rules'
Sex video 'teaser' loaded on YouTube
Karpal: Allow Anwar and MPs to watch sex video in Parliament

Monday, April 4, 2011

Video linking Anwar to a PRC girl, which doesn't even look like him

Video linking Anwar to a PRC girl, which doesn't even look like him!

PS: I am not the original uploader. The original one was removed due to "nudity". Please share and download this and reupload. Show the world that the man in the video doesn't even look like Anwar. I think he does not look like Anwar, but the Police is still investigating. Looks like we have to see the outcome of the investigation. The police has the resources and the expert to check. They are the authority. What will happen? What can we say?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dr M: Truth a bitter pill to swallow

Wednesday March 9, 2011
Dr M: Truth a bitter pill to swallow

PETALING JAYA: Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is unconcerned about possible lawsuits over his memoirs.

Dr Mahathir said he was driven to tell the truth in his autobiography A Doctor in the House.

“There will be those who will not be satisfied.

“If they want to sue, sue lah,” he quipped after launching the book at Mid Valley Megamall yesterday.

Dr Mahathir said he had kept its publication a secret until the launch date to avoid a possible court injunction to stop its release.

“I want people to read it. Whatever they think of it is their prerogative,” he said.

It took him eight years to write the autobiography, he said. “I did not type. I used long hand.”

Dr Mahathir said during his tenure as Prime Minister, he was described as a dictator.

“(In the autobiography) I tried to prove that I am not. But some people will still feel otherwise,” he said.

To a question, Dr Mahathir said that through his biography, he wanted to deliver the message that it was not impossible to achieve anything when one is willing to learn.

“I was a commoner, I was not trained in the field of administration, economics or finance. But you can learn if you want to learn. The best reward is not monetary gains but the results of your effort,” he said.

Dr Mahathir also took a swipe at Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim whom he accused had claimed credit for certain things.

“He (Anwar) is claiming that the setting up of UIA (International Islamic University Malaysia) was his idea,” he said.

On his next project, Dr Mahathir said he would look into rewriting The Malay Dilemma.

“When they (the Malays) were poor they were in a dilemma. When they are rich, there is a bigger dilemma,” he said.

Related Story:
‘Doc in the House’ flies out the stores

Friday, March 4, 2011

又是看了"秘密"! 夫婦中1億頭彩



Thursday, March 3, 2011

Three men against 15 lions

Three men against 15 lions.

This is a dangerous way to get food. You are not a good hunters but if you are skillful, you can scare away the lions and steal their food. Just like people work hard to get money, but these guys refused to work hard and they just steal your money because they seen you have made it or have the money.

Just like in the stock market, if you are skillful, you can spot the turn of the market and jump in and buy before other people feel safe to come in. By the time other people realize the market has rebound and come in, the skillful people can dispose off their stock and make some money.

If you are brave enough and make your move together, three men can scare away 15 lions. Amazing.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau--by Matt Damon and Emily Blunt

Ever Feel That The World Is Totally Against You? - The Story Of The Adjustment Bureau

David Norris (Matt Damon) is a politician on the rise, but he can’t curb his bad-boy ways and after a childish prank is made public he finds himself losing the ‘unloseable’ election. However, the night doesn’t go to complete ruin when he happens upon a chance meeting with a young dancer, Elise (Emily Blunt) in a toilet. It is love at first sight, but their relationship is doomed.

A group known as ‘The Adjustment Bureau, consisting of people like Harry (Anthony Mackie – Night Catches Us, Louis), Thompson (Terence Stamp – Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie, TV’S Smallville) and Richardson (John Slattery – TV’S 30 Rock & Mad Men), decide to do everything in their power to prevent David and Elise getting together because it isn’t in The Plan. However, David is determined to take on this group despite the consequences.

Read more at Suite101: The Adjustment Bureau Review

Blogger:It seems to carry a simple message that there may be a plan for you and you are supposed to act according to the plan. That is what astrology is all about. Every major thing in your life could be predicted.

I remember one classic story told by the Chinese scholar that liao Fan's father died when he was very young. His mother persuaded him to give up his ambitious to study to become a minister and instead he studied medicine. Later, a fortune teller told him that if he continued to study, he could pass the exam after exam and become a minister. He studied and studied and he passed and he becomes a minister. He is not supposed to live that long but because he has done many good deeds, his life extended.

The Adjustment Bureau's story is identical in the sense that they try to block Matt Damon from seeing Emily Blunt, eventually, he fought for it and they changed the plan for him and he could have Emily.

In life, if you wanted it bad enough, you will get it. Many years ago, I had wanted to secure a degree so badly and finally I gave up my job and went to the US to study for my degree and I got it.

I studied qi men dun jia, a theory formulated by a Chinese angel. That theory said that if you open the right door and you will get what you want. I see Matt Damon keeps opening the door just like what I have done every day, trying to open the right door daily and trying to achieve what I want.

I see astrology and I see qi men dun jia, the science of x-file and what did you see?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Adjustment Bureau invites me to the third preview of February--

as follows:

《大馬部落》邀请博客们参与2011年2月第三场电影观赏会- 《Adjustment Bureau》!

Date : 28 Feb, 2011
Time : 9:30pm
Venue : Cathay Cineplex e@Curve
Synopsis: refer to UIP

1. 所有的博客必须在各自的部落格写下电影观后感,同时提及此为《大馬部落》活动。
2. 博文必需在观赏电影后一个礼拜完成。
3. 凡出席者和伴侣(1位)必须登记。
4. 无法出席者必须尽早通知,可电邮

出席者可以在现场向有关单位- United International Picture 领取你们的电影票,不要迟到哦~~

Thursday, February 24, 2011

True Grit

According to Wikipedia, the film, True Grit, is narrated by the adult Mattie Ross (Elizabeth Marvel), who explains that her father was murdered by one of his hired hands, Tom Chaney (Josh Brolin), when she was 14; Chaney made off with her father's horses and two of his California gold pieces. While collecting her father's body, Mattie (played as a 14-year-old by Hailee Steinfeld) inquires about hiring a Deputy U.S. Marshal to track down Chaney. She is given three recommendations, but chooses to hire Rooster Cogburn (Jeff Bridges), because he is described as the most merciless. He repeatedly rebuffs her attempts to hire him.

Meanwhile, at the boarding house where she is staying, Texas Ranger LaBoeuf (Matt Damon) arrives on the trail of Chaney. LaBoeuf has been pursuing him for several months over a murder in Texas. He proposes to Mattie that they should team up with Cogburn, since the Marshal knows the Choctaw terrain where Chaney is hiding, while LaBoeuf knows how the man is most likely to behave. Mattie rejects LaBoeuf's offer, partially because he would take Chaney back to Texas to be hanged for the prior murder, instead of her father's. After finally securing Cogburn's services, Mattie is instructed to meet him the following morning to begin the search for Chaney, though instead of meeting Mattie, Cogburn leaves a note telling her to go home while he goes to apprehend Chaney.

After she is refused passage on the river ferry that conveyed Cogburn and LaBoeuf, Mattie rides into the water and is pulled across by her swimming horse. On the far side, she learns that the two men have agreed to split the Texas reward for Chaney. Accusing him of fraud, Mattie threatens to have Cogburn arrested for breaking their agreement, which specified that she must accompany him on the manhunt. Reluctantly, he allows Mattie to come along. After a disagreement, LaBoeuf sets off on his own in search of Chaney. Eventually, Mattie and Cogburn come across an isolated shack, where two outlaws (Paul Rae and Domhnall Gleeson) are staying. After they turn on each other, Cogburn kills the older outlaw, and as the younger one is dying, he explains that "Lucky" Ned Pepper (Barry Pepper) and his gang were planning on returning to the shack later that night. Believing Chaney to be riding with Pepper's gang, Cogburn and Mattie lie in wait for the gang.

However, LaBoeuf rides up to the shack ahead of the gang. When the gang arrives, they lasso LaBoeuf and drag him behind a horse. Cogburn opens fire from his hiding spot, killing three members of the gang and accidentally wounding LaBoeuf. During the night, Cogburn drinks a great deal of whiskey and is severely drunk the next morning. The following night, he and LaBoeuf argue again, and LaBoeuf departs once more. The next morning, as Mattie draws water at the river, she encounters Chaney, who is watering the gang's horses. She draws her father's pistol and shoots him. The pistol misfires as she tries to finish him off, and he drags her back to the gang. Ned uses Mattie as a hostage to force Cogburn to ride off. Though Mattie is initially hostile to Ned, she calms down when he promises he "doesn't hurt children". Not having enough horses for everyone, Ned leaves Mattie with Chaney, telling him that he will send a horse for him later. He orders Chaney not to harm Mattie and to drop her off in safe, colonized lands afterwards.

Once alone, Chaney disobeys Ned and attacks Mattie; LaBoeuf appears and knocks Chaney out with his rifle butt, explaining that when he heard the shots in the morning, he rode back and encountered Cogburn, who devised a plan. LaBoeuf and Mattie watch from their distant perch as Cogburn takes on the four remaining members of Ned's gang. Although one escapes, Cogburn kills two of them, and mortally wounds Ned before his own horse is shot out from under him. As the dying Ned is about to kill Cogburn, LaBoeuf shoots and kills Ned, impressing Mattie with his ability as a marksman. Chaney comes to and attacks LaBoeuf. Mattie grabs LaBoeuf's rifle and kills Chaney, but the recoil knocks her back into an old mineshaft, where she unwittingly disturbs a ball of snakes. She is bitten before Cogburn can rescue her. Cogburn and Mattie leave the wounded but stable LaBoeuf at the mine with the promise they will send help, and Cogburn rides through the night to get Mattie to a doctor, arriving just in time.

Twenty-five years later, Mattie – now 40 and with only one arm, the result of an amputation necessitated by gangrene from the snakebite – receives an invitation from Cogburn to meet him at a traveling Wild West show with which he is performing. When she arrives at the site, she learns that Cogburn died three days earlier. She has his body moved into her family plot, and the film ends with her standing over his grave and pondering how time catches up with everyone.

Blogger’s comments:

I am impressed on how Mattie negotiate for a deal to secure the 300 over dollar so that she will have the money to hire Cogburn to track down Chaney, the murderer of her father. She is independent in her thinking and she is brave in her action. She insisted that she wanted to follow Cogburn to see to the arrest of Chaney and she is only 14 years old.

True Grit seems to send a clear message that if you wanted to do something in life, and if you are determined enough, you can be successful. Of course, we have to qualify to say that you also require to carry certain qualities in your personality. Mattie is a smart young girl, articulating and she knows the law of contract.

At the age of fourteen, her goal is simple. Her father was killed by Chaney and she wanted Chaney to be arrested and be hanged for his action. Chaney has committed a crime and he has to pay for it.

Although Mattie is never married, she has a sentimental attachment to Cogburn. She hired Cogburn to track down her father’s murderer and Cogburn has fulfilled the contract. That would have concluded the deal. However, she still remembers Cogburn because Cogburn saved her life by sending her to a doctor for the snakebite. Cogburn died three days earlier before she can meet him at the Wild West show. She wanted to treat Cogburn as one of her family members, therefore, dig out his coffin and rebury in her family plot.

The film ends with Mattie standing over Cogburn’s grave and pondering, that scene leaves you wondering the meaning of life. If Mattie just goes home together with his father’s coffin, she wouldn’t meet up with Cogburn and she wouldn’t lose her arm. She probably would have married to a handsome man and live happily. She probably regrets that she cannot take revenge on Chaney for the rest of her life. In life, you gain some and you lose some. There is always a balance.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Will Rising Oil Prices Slow Global Growth?

About oil prices

Airtime: Wed. Feb. 23 2011 | 1:10 PM ET

Go for U.S. multinational companies with exposure to emerging market growth, says Puru Saxena, chief executive of Puru Saxena Wealth Management. He shares his investment strategy, with CNBC's Chloe Cho, Anna Edwards and Yousef Gamal.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits New Zealand

Published: Tuesday February 22, 2011 MYT 8:33:00 AM
Updated: Tuesday February 22, 2011 MYT 11:53:56 AM
Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits New Zealand (Updated)

If you are a Malaysian in Christchurch, tell us about the situation there. Email your story and pictures to

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WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) - A powerful earthquake struck New Zealand's already-bruised city of Christchurch on Tuesday, collapsing buildings, burying vehicles under debris and sending rescuers scrambling to help trapped people amid reports of multiple deaths.

The 6.3-magnitude quake struck the country's second-largest city on a busy weekday afternoon, in contrast to a major quake that damaged Christchurch last September but caused no deaths when it struck before dawn on a weekend. Police said there were reports of multiple fatalities from the latest temblor, while Prime Minister John Key told Parliament details of the deaths still were too shaky to confirm.
A car passing a destroyed building in Christchurch central business district. (AP Photo/Samual Sutherland

Witnesses said the quake destroyed the iconic stone Christchurch Cathedral, its spire toppled into a central city square, and police said there was a report of two buses crushed under falling buildings.

Live video footage showed sections of buildings collapsed into the streets, strewn with bricks and shattered concrete. Sidewalks and roads were cracked and split, and thousands of dazed, screaming and crying residents wandered through the streets as sirens blared.

Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker declared a state of emergency and ordered people to evacuate the city center.

"Make no mistake - this is going to be a very black day for this shaken city," he said when asked about possible deaths. The airport was closed and Christchurch Hospital was evacuated. Power and telephone lines were knocked out, and pipes burst, flooding the streets with water. Some cars apparently parked on the street were buried under rubble.

Some people were stuck in office towers and firefighters climbed ladders to pluck people trapped on roofs to safety.
In this vide image broadcast on New Zealand's TV3, a pedestrian steps over a raised ground in Greymouth. (AP)

"The details we have are extremely sketchy," the prime minister told Parliament. "The worrying fear, of course, is that this earthquake has taken place at a time when people were going about their business - it is a very populated time, with people at work, children at school. Sadly, I cannot rule out that there have been fatalities.

"But we are aware of significant damage to buildings that had people in them at the time," he said.

Key said people were being told to get out of the city for their safety. New Zealand police said in a statement that there were reports of multiple fatalities in the city, including a report that two buses had been crushed by falling buildings. The police statement said there were other reports of fires burning.

Gary Moore said he and 19 other colleagues were trapped in their twelfth floor office after the stairwell collapsed in the quake. He did not know if people on other floors were trapped.

"We watched the cathedral collapse out our window while we were holding onto the walls," Moore said. "Every aftershock sends us rushing under the desks. It's very unnerving but we can clearly see there are other priorities out the window. There has been a lot of damage and I guess people are attending to that before they come and get us."

The multistory Pyne Gould Guinness Building, housing more than 200 workers, has collapsed and an unknown number of people are trapped inside. Television pictures showed rescuers, many of them office workers, dragging severely injured people from the rubble.

Many had blood streaming down their faces. Screams could be heard from those still trapped.

Parker, the mayor, said he was on the top floor of the city council building when the quake hit just before 1 p.m. local time, throwing him across the room.

"I got down onto the street and there were scenes of great confusion, a lot of very upset people," he said. "I know of people in our building who are injured and I've had some reports of serious injuries throughout the city."

The U.S. Geological Survey said the temblor was centered 3 miles (5 kilometers) from the city at a depth of 2.5 miles (4 kilometers). A 5.6-magnitude aftershock hit shortly after 7 miles (11 kilometers) east of the city at a depth of 3.7 miles (6 kilometers).

"When the shaking had stopped I looked out of the window, which gives a great view onto Christchurch, and there was just dust," said city councilman Barry Corbett, who was on one of the top floors of the city council building when the quake struck. "It was evident straight away that a lot of buildings had gone."

Christchurch has been hit by hundreds of aftershocks since a 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck Sept. 4, which wrecked hundreds of buildings, and caused an estimated 4 billion New Zealand dollars ($3 billion) in damage, but no deaths.

A strong aftershock in December caused further damage to buildings.The city was still rebuilding from those quakes when Tuesday's temblor hit.

The city is home to about 350,000 people and is considered a tourist center and gateway to the South Island.

New Zealand sits on the Pacific "ring of fire" - an arc of earthquake and volcanic zones stretching from Chile in South America through Alaska and down through the South Pacific. It records more than 14,000 earthquakes a year - but only about 150 are felt by residents, and fewer than 10 a year do any damage.

Monday, February 21, 2011

No Strings Attached

In this comedy , Emma(Natalie Portman) and Adam (Ashton Kutcher) are life-long friends who almost ruin everything by having sex one morning. It happened just so naturally. In order to protect their friendship , they make a pact to keep their relationship strictly " no strings attached"

"No strings" means no jealously , no expectation and don't fall in love.

I think they probably would have fallen in love even before they have sex or maybe they fall in love after having sex.

Sex is personal. In real life , you probably want no strings attached, but it is just impossible to achieve.

Adam's own father (Kevin Kline)has stolen away his former girlfriend(opehlia Lovibond) and he just couldn't accept this fact. He wanted to find a sex partner and to release his frustruction. He drank so much and past out. He managed to have sex with Emma in her room when he is sober.

There is one part showing Emma went to a party on the eve of her father’s funeral probably to recover from the pain of losing her father. In the Eastern societies, especially for those who subscribed to the Chinese way of thinking, this would not happen. People would be guarding the soul and would be near the coffin because the Chinese believed the soul is still around and they hoped that person inside the coffin might just come alive. Even the person cannot re-live, they would want to be on guard with the soul to pay their last respect.


This is the life style of the new economy. I received an invitation to attend a preview thru the internet. I thought it was a joke but I went and it turned out to be a real one.

When I was a journalist, I also received this kind of invitation. It is normally sent to the Chief Report or the News editor and he or she will assign the reporter to attend so that he or she can write a review about the film.




1. No Strings Attached

Screening details:
Date: 16th Feb (Wed)
Time: 9.00pm
Venue: TGV Sunway Pyramid
Synopsis: refer to UIP

2. True Grit

Screening details:
Date: 23rd Feb (Wed)
Time: 9.00pm
Venue: GSC 1 Utama (New Wing)
Synopsis: refer to UIP

1. 所有的博客必须在各自的部落格写下电影观后感,同时提及此为《大馬部落》活动。
2. 凡出席者必须登记,陪同伴侣(1位)也是一样。
3. 无法出席者必须尽早通知,可电邮
出席者可以在现场向有关单位- United International Picture 领取你们的电影票,不要迟到哦~~


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Starfish--I make a difference for this one

I can make a difference for this one. You just do your part. Other will do their parts and everyone were to do its part, that will make a difference.