Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fibonacci Part 2

A forex lesson about Fibonacci

Lesson 1 -- Fibonacci Number Sequence

The Fibonacci Sequence is most likely the most influential series of numbers in the world. It is also likely that you encounter the numerical pattern everyday. This mathematical series was discove...

YOUTUBE EXCLUSIVE: Send me your stereotypes (الملكة رانيا)

Queen Rania is launching her presence on YouTube with this exclusive video. Watch the clip to hear her message to YouTubers everywhere, and then join in the conversation. الملكة رانيا تنضم الى عا...
Queen Rania is launching her presence on YouTube with this exclusive video.

Watch the clip to hear her message to YouTubers everywhere, and then join in the conversation.

الملكة رانيا تنضم الى عالم اليوتيوب.
شاهد الفيديو الأول واستمع لرسالتها إلى زوار يوتيوب من مختلف أنحاء العالم ثم شارك في الحوار
Category: People & Blogs
Queen Rania Jordan Islam Arab understanding clash terror bias fitna Question first lady الاردن الاسلام الهاشميون الملكة رانيا

Queen Rania in "The Situation Room"

Queen Rania talks to Wolf Blitzer about education and gender Parity in the Middle East

Queen Rania special message to YouTubers

After joining YouTube for an interactive five month debate, Queen Rania sums it up. بعد خمسة أشهر على إطلاقها حوارا عالميا ، الملكة رانيا تلخص التجربة

Queen Rania in "The Situation Room"-part 2

In Part 2 of Her interview with Wolf Blitzer, Queen Rania discusses prospects for Peace in the Middle East.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

世界第一等 南半球最大的佛寺 Part-3(End)

— 西元兩千兩百多年前,印度阿育王篤信佛教,曾派遣佛僧向外弘法, 高僧們經陸路由印度、巴基斯坦、阿富汗、伊朗、沙烏地阿拉伯、埃 及,用雙腳將佛教帶入非洲,可惜的是路線拉得太長,且跨不過當時 的天障「撒哈拉沙漠」,未能成功地將佛教宏揚開來。 後來,約六百年前,明朝鄭...

世界第一等 南半球最大的佛寺 Part-2

非洲第一座大乘佛寺 ─ 佛光山南華寺,座落於南非布朗賀斯特,距離南非行政首都普利托利 亞,只有五十公里,是一個積極開發中的城市。 一九九二年三月八日,布朗賀斯特議長漢尼‧幸尼科爾博士親捧著三 公頃的合約書上佛光山,敦請星雲大師在南非建寺,但當布朗賀斯特 市的議長...

世界第一等 南半球最大的佛寺 Part-1

2005年「八大‧世界第一等」工作小組,前往南非拍攝臺灣人在 南非的故事,其中包含建立南華寺的慧禮法師。 1920年,著名預言家 Seer Van Rensburg 於書中(Words of Prophet)預言:「七十年後將有東方人在布朗賀斯特(Br onkhorsts...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Single Girl looking for fun ads

they'd probably reject me. Just typing that now, I now understand why people think I like women. Gotcha.

Hope you're all well and enjoyed a great weekend followed by a good start to the week. Love you all.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


月丽的老家在河北涿州农村 89年出生的她来北京唱歌已经有四年的时间上天给了她一副好嗓子但也给了她一个不幸的家庭让她经历了不同寻常的心酸 调频中国,聆听世界!